A Guide on Managing Construction Equipment Effectively

When it comes to money, schedules, and execution, choosing the correct equipment for a construction project is critical. The entire project runs more efficiently and equipment is better managed, scheduled, and maintained when a construction equipment manager gets the information and tools they need to accomplish their job properly. Construction organizations experience increased equipment breakdowns […]
5 Useful Tips For Delivering Building Materials Quickly

Any construction project’s profitability depends on reliable, on-time construction material delivery. Delays in obtaining supplies, over-ordering, and problems with onsite material storage result in costly setbacks, and time is money, as the old adage says. In the construction industry, there are five simple ways to increase profitability. Profit margins are slim, but with a little […]
6 Key Benefits of Construction Material Management

Money does not grow on trees, and neither do construction materials emerge out of nowhere. Every construction project requires material management, which is a difficult and critical component. While many people connect material management with purchasing and delivery, it actually encompasses a far broader range of tasks, ranging from planning and procurement to waste management […]
New Accessible, Affordable Homes Underway In Vancouver

New affordable homes will soon be available for people with moderate and low incomes, seniors and families in Vancouver, with construction underway on 82 rental homes in Mount Pleasant. “This new development will add much-needed affordable rental homes in the Vancouver-Mount Pleasant neighborhood for seniors, families and individuals with accessibility needs,” said Melanie Mark, MLA […]
Management of Construction Equipment to Reduce Downtime

How much does downtime cost your business? Unplanned downtime can cost you thousands of dollars or more each day if you use heavy construction equipment, and it can throw your project farther behind schedule. This will almost certainly have a cascade effect on your productivity. Serious delays can have a negative impact on your employees, […]